Developing a calculator app

vendredi 15 janvier 2021

Hi Everyone,


I built out a simple calculator for my own use and I wanted to get some feed back from the community.


I use it to quickly run numbers on pasture rentals, when buying hay, etc. to check if the numbers I am running in my head are accurate.


The only problem is, since I built it.. I have no idea if it would make sense to anyone else.  Thats where you come in!


No download required, just a screen shot of it for now. 


The forage required per AUM is based on 1098lbs per month. I will make this adjustable at some point so you can enter in your own AUM number.


One change I was considering making was the option of AUM per acre or Dry forage per acre as I feel like many people may not know their AUM per acre? Where as our Ag extension has it typically available for various areas where I live.


Look forward to hearing all your feed back. I have a couple others I use as well that I will eventually add into the app.. but I wanted to start with this one and build from there.





Developing a calculator app

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