Private Pesticide Applicator Certification

samedi 16 janvier 2021

I realize that every state has their own way of dealing with restricted use pesticides (RUP). Here in Minnesota, initially, you have to take a written test to get certified. After that, you need to be re-certified every 3 years by going to a 4 hour seminar. This year, because of Covid, there are no in person meetings. So the U of M offered 3 options.


1) Online exam

2) Online workshop via zoom

3) Self paced online course


I chose #3. At first I was a bit apprehensive about this, but I finished it this morning, and I have to say that I am impressed. Going to a in person meeting is alright, but there are only a few topics covered. If there's something you don't quite understand, too bad, the speaker keeps moving on.

The online course was much more comprehensive with more topics.  If there's something you don't quite understand, you can go over it again if needed. If this is offered again in 3 years, I will choose #3 again.

Private Pesticide Applicator Certification

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