Yield Prior to Kill and Replant???

dimanche 10 janvier 2021

We have a very nice field that remains mostly timothy, but over the past few years, orchard grass and fescue have really moved in. My plan was to kill this field last fall, but between first and second cutting, this field yielded 200 bales per acre of excellent forage tested horse quality hay this past summer and we’ve sold all of it at very good prices in spite of being a timothy mix.

I just can’t bring myself to take down such a high yielding field of hay and replant just for “straight” timothy, though a few customers would like me to do so. They either want straight timothy because that’s what they prefer or they have pregnant mares and do not want the fescue. I’m kind of wrapped around yield.

Question is - when you decide to kill a field of hay, what kind of yield do you get in the year prior to killing and replanting? What drives you to kill and replant.

Just curious.


Yield Prior to Kill and Replant???

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