Effects of Border Traffic on Texas Ranches

lundi 15 mars 2021

Not sure if your local news covers what is going on down on the border but it's having some very negative effects on ranches in South Texas. Ranchers are finding fences cut on a daily and nightly basis. The trafficers leave the fences down and leave big gaps through which cattle and other livestock as well as deer that have been managed for years escape to the neighbors or get loose on highways. Ranchers are worried that this will all drive down ranch values, and it will. Think about it, who would want to buy a ranch when you have no control of your fence lines or that you may have uninvited guests showing up at you front door anytime day or night. If you're an absentee owner like I am, you never know what you will find when you get back to your ranch.  Does no good to call law enforcement as they are already swamped. It's a pretty sad scene that mainstream media is not covering. 

Effects of Border Traffic on Texas Ranches

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