The Rookie needs planting advice

samedi 27 mars 2021

So I disked about 5 acres a few weeks ago and will be going back on April 9th to plant a Dove Mix so that come September my family and I might get in a few Dove hunts. The small field is located adjacent to a 4 acre lake (pond).   My thoughts are to go back over the area with a light disking then drag a harrow over it to smooth it out as best I can. I will then spread seed and finish up with the harrow. The disk, harrow, and spreader are the only things I have at my disposal to do the job. Fortunately I'm not trying to plant anything to sale! If this works, great, if not, well it just cost a little time, money, and it was great therapy! Any ideas as to what I may do differently? 

The Rookie needs planting advice

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