MoCo Disc Leak Problem

vendredi 12 mars 2021

    Hey Folks, so I have a John Deere 630 Moco and I have a little issue that has come up with it. So after I put the mower away for the year, I saw that there was a big spot under the left disc, where the gearbox shaft comes down to drive the discs. So I climbed under there and sure enough there was a leak. Now its really not a huge leak but for the little time it ran before it was put away its enough to concern. I never had even seen the leak before, I was under there before it was put away replacing knives and never saw it. The mower is still fairly new to me also. Anyways, so last weekend it finally warmed up, and so I got it out of the shed, and I got all the oil out of it and saw nothing in the gear casing for the disc's. Which was good, but then after putting new oil in and I ran it for just oh 10 mins, and I could already see the new oil venturing out. So I would love for some one to give me some advice as to where to start. I know that some guys might say it's not that much oil coming out and don't worry about just put oil in it every once in a while, but I really don't want this machine with the investment I have in it to have a leak. So if you've dealt with this issue and know how to resolve it that'd be great. Could it be a seal? I really have no clue at this point. It's also looks to be coming out of the top area between the turtle and the gearbox. Would love the help! 




MoCo Disc Leak Problem

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