Wrapped hay, is it safe for horses?

dimanche 7 mars 2021

Hi all. I am up in Maine and hay yield has been way down this past year. Many hay farmers  purchased and resold that came from out of state including Canada.


Yesterday I purchased an 800 lb wrapped sq bale. When I first checked an open bale at the sellers location the hay looked and felt fine, but once I got a bale home and opened the wrapped bale it had a strong fruity smell to it ... like old fruit salad. When I decompress a flake and fluff it up, it looks fine. It is green and soft.


I have no experience with wrapped bales and dont know what is typical.

After researching, I learned more about the risks of wrapped bales to horses botulism and so forth.

Does anyone know how much of a risk there is?


I know wrapped hay is used more in Europe, but keep coming across articles warning against wrapped bales here in the US.


Does anyone have any experience or input re wrapped hay and horses?



Wrapped hay, is it safe for horses?

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