8550s swather steering trouble

jeudi 25 décembre 2014

anyone have trouble with the steering getting erratic after a few hours of use. When I am roading it to the next field or home in the road mode it will take about a quarter turn before it responds and then it overcorrects, when turning it the other way to straighten it out it will over correct the other way, takes up the whole road and I have to stop and restart. It isn't as severe in field mode and I don't notice it at all in the field. I want to fix it this winter,but I am having trouble. I am sure that it is a hydraulic issue as I have repaired any slack from the steering wheel to the pumps. It isn't any worse one way or the other, so I am not sure it is in the tandem pumps or one would most likely be worse than the other. I switched the relief valves without any better results. My dealer says that some of the components are not available, so I am afraid to tear it apart until I know what I need. Anyone else have this kind of problem? Not getting much technical help from Agco.

8550s swather steering trouble

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