I've decided to go ahead and dislike wheel rakes

jeudi 25 juin 2015

Today I was baling alfalfa for my cousin.   He had his hired man raking windrows together with his double Kuhn rotary rake.   Then his hired man ran it into a gas well.    Don't worry folks they have a cage protecting the actual well.  That's what he ran it into.    The cage and well are fine.    The rake.   Not so much.    So to finish raking he got out his Kuhn speed rake.   I as well own one of these things.    So I was baling along, everything going great.   Blue sky, birds singing (actually I couldn't hear them as I was in my A/C cab)    I was baling the windrows the rotary rake made.   Going about 4.5 mph.     Then I hit the windrows the speedrake made.   The sky grew dark, birds flew away screaming.   I had to decrease speed to about 3 mph-2.5mph.   I plugged up the pickup 3 times despite going so slow.   The way the speedrake makes the windrow it causes the hay pickup on my baler to kind of make it ball up behind the windguard and in the augers.   Because the speed rake makes two little roped windrows so it doesn't feed nearly as good.   Now I knew this was going to happen as I had seen this last year, but this just reaffirmed my dislike of even my own Speedrake that I bought before I knew any better.   Now I'm in  the house because a rain storm came to ruin the party.  


Disclaimer.   I have not ever baled behind a big Darf or H  & S wheel rake.  Maybe they do better.   But they are still wheel rakes.  

I've decided to go ahead and dislike wheel rakes

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