New Rake

mardi 23 juin 2015

Found out today the inssurencr is covering my rake that was wreaked few weeks ago also was able to get a decent price out of it so time to do a little shopping. I've already decided 100 that money will go towards 2 different rakes to hopefully avoid not having a rake at all when hay is down. Going to buy a cheap 258/256 rollabar as a backup and extra rake. Already found a couple I like and likely will pick one up this weekend.

Now for the tricky part what to buy with remaining money? I'd like to get another rotory rake as that's what I had before and really liked it. There are very few at best people using them around me mostly all wheel or bar rakes here can u use a rotoaty rake on ateep hills and tight dips and valleys? Cause that's all the hay ground I have summed up.

Also there are no dealers close to me that have anything. I'm leaning towards a krone or claas like a 46t or liner 450t but can't afford a new one of these. So anyone that has like say a 380t or 38t one of those brand new is around 8 and is almost doabale for me as my limit is about 7000 I might be able to get close to that if its really worth it. Those are both lighter duty 12 foot rakes how do they compare to the bigger heavy duty ones?

New Rake

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