Pasturegard - Tell Me About It...

lundi 22 juin 2015

So I shared some pics with an extension agent and we are pretty sure it is Tick-Trefoil as Farmercline pointed out in my earlier post - much thanks.


The agent offered up several herbicides and herbicides mixes to potentially knock this stuff down - one of which was Pasturegard.  I had been thinking about Rememdy, but I think that with Pasturegard, I get a similar kill, but touch more broad leaf weeds with the coverage.


Other than it's expensive - anyone used Pasturegard?  What is the good, bad and ugly of it - your experience?  Did you spray your pastures/hay fields and what were you trying to eradicate?  How much did you apply per acre?


One thing I like about Pasturegard is there appears to be no residual and you can harvest hay after 14 days.


Any info is much appreciated.




Pasturegard - Tell Me About It...

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