Pepperweed in new planting of hay.

lundi 17 avril 2017

Planted field of orchard last fall and frost seeded red clover in it. The field had beans in it the last 7 years so I though the weeds would be down pretty good so that's why I went ahead and put red clover on. But there is plenty of weeds. But the majority of it is pepperweed. Actually got a real good stand of it. 2-4d will take out my clover so I'm hoping to just keep it cut and hopefully the pepperweed will not come back next year. Any experience with this stuff. The only good thing is it's not a toxic weed. Maybe I should just spray it and fall drill either clover or alfalfa. There is 18 acres of this. Spray or try and mow it out?

Pepperweed in new planting of hay.

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