Cultipacker Alternative?

jeudi 7 mai 2020

First post, woohoo!


My family recently purchased our first patch of land and our initial project has been cleaning up an overgrown 4-acre pasture. The pasture was overgrown for 3-4 years with sweetgum trees, yuck!  Anyways, after running a healthy rotation of ripper, rake and disc harrow for the last two weeks, we're getting close to seeding a warm weather cover crop. 


So here's the question - I can not find a cultipacker that I can borrow/rent to help compact the soil after broadcasting our seed mix.  Does anyone have a suggestion on what I may be able to use to help bed the seed?  Would running a harrow with the discs pointed straight ahead work?  


Thanks for any suggestion!   

Cultipacker Alternative?

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