Equipment/Chemical Recommendations

jeudi 4 mars 2021

Here's my situation, after several years of having my fields cut and going thru several Hay guys, I started baling myself last year.  I do it myself mostly because I use the property for other things and need to get cuts more on my schedule than my hay guys.  I cut/baled about 100 acres, ended up getting 450 4x5 bales last year, sold all and delivered about 1/2 of them.  I sell cow hay, don't have any animals, and have discovered most of the customers in my area just care about how cheap a bale cost.  About 1/2 my acreage is bottomlands, grows very thick/fast, but had hundreds of Honey Locust Trees that typically grew in clumps.  This year I paid a guy to come in with a CTL/Mulcher and cut down about 400 trees.  It's done, so skip the part where I should have killed them first or used a giant dozer/root rake.  He mulched about the bottom 3'-4' flush, pushed the rest of the trees over while I gathered them up in my CTL/grapple and made about 12 big burn piles.  I've sprayed some of the thicker areas/stumps with Remedy/Diesel with hand sprayer.  Mulch was thick, he was much faster, so I'm waiting to spot treat more soon when they are easier to find, see growth, and I start burning the piles.  I tried burning one pile green, and it just took too much time constantly pushing the pile into the burn.  I'm hoping after about 4 months I can get the entire pile to burn better, and if I have to, I'll mow around them and burn in the fall.  Anyway, I can spot treat the bad areas, but would also like to try to knock down some of the Honey locust shoots and seedlings.  In the spring I get a lot of Winter Rye, then mixed grasses/weeds, and eventually if it's not cut before late summer, Giant Ragweed will take over.  Last year I also had late issues with balloon vine wanting to carpet over areas previously cut.  I really don't know what all weeds I have, but my cow hay customers seem happy with the bales.  The front/non-bottomland 1/2 does not have the honey locust, but also grows thinner and could probably benefit from some fertilizer/Nitrogen.  So I'm trying to decide if I should rent/buy a sprayer, and what I should spray?  I have a 6105E JD tractor, that could handle a large 3pt.  I was leaning towards about a 200 gallon spraying system (boom? 3pt or wheeled?), spraying Grazon everywhere, continue spot treating Remedy in back on locust shoots, and maybe hitting front with a little fertilizer?  Any suggestions?  I work full time, at least another few years, and I really don't have the time to do what I already do. IMG_0532.JPG   

Equipment/Chemical Recommendations

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