Mower/tedder vs Mower/conditioner

lundi 12 avril 2021

Who uses what? I'm thinking about switching over to mower/tedder from the traditional mower/conditioner here. My main concern is some heavy Canary Grass and Garrison Foxtail, which comprises the bulk of our hay. In my thinking, I should actually speed up the drying process with a mower/tedder, since it's spread over a bigger area.  There's a lot of times I have a stand that's 7+ feet tall and the resulting windrows are huge and take a few days to dry. In that time, it's not uncommon to have the top 90% dry and the bottom still wet.  Seems to me that spreading it out and then tedding should make that dry more evenly and quicker?

What's the consensus out there, and have any of you switched over ?

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_2101.JPG

Mower/tedder vs Mower/conditioner

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