To cull or not to cull

mercredi 21 avril 2021

I have a nice gentle Hereford cow that had a vaginal prolapse before she calved.  Took her into the vet two days ago, and he sowed her up; he told me to watch her and just before she calved to cut the suture.  He also gave her a shot to induce labor, so I was up several times during the night two nights ago to check on her.  Finally after keeping an eye on her all day yesterday she finally had some vaginal discharge, got her into the chute and got it cut, and two hours later she finally had a nice Hereford calf.  Of course it was 10pm by this time, and I still had to get her into the chute to give her a shot of some to that was to cause her uterus to contract.  It was a little bit of challenge to get into the chute in the dark, but not to bad.  I am sure glad she was not one of those that would rather run you down and grind your bone into the dirt.  I do have a few of those that I plan on getting rid of at some point.  


Would it be possible that she could have this same problem next year.  I am think I should get rid of her this fall.  

To cull or not to cull

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