Any advice?

jeudi 28 août 2014

Ok, so I've posted a few topics on here already for buying hay, hauling it, and so forth. I'm sorry if I am getting annoying for posting so much-- Just want to learn as much I can about hay. With that said, I am wanting to plant some Bermuda grass hay for one of my horse pastures. I thought it would be wise to do, so I can save a little money. So, I have a few questions that I would like to know. #1 I have two bags of Bermuda Grass Blend( blend meaning growing it with something else), that I'm trying to figure out if I should plant in my pasture. I live in Northern CA so right one it's getting close to the cold season, so I would plant the seed in late spring of next year. I wanting to know if I should buy Mohawk instead of common Bermuda seed. With the Bermuda blend does that mean I HAVE to plant it with something else? If so, any suggestions?

#2 Can I spread horse manure on the pasture to add a fertilizer?

#3 What should I do within the time period to get it ready for next Springs planting of it?

Any advice on this would be a huge help! Thanks!

Any advice?

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