Sudan vs. Orchard Blend

dimanche 24 août 2014

So, I'm debating on whether I should buy Sudan Grass Hay or Orchard Blend Grass Hay. I'll be feeding whatever hay I get to my horses. I just don't know what hay is better. I hear people saying that Sudan is not good for feeding to horses, and I hear that it is fine to feed them it. The Sudan Grass hay that is for sale is like a green color and weighs 70-80 lbs. Whereas, the grass hay is dark green and weighs 65-70 lbs. Does the weight of that grass hay matter? I heard it means that it isn't really full of nutrients but I want to get your guys opinion on it. So, I'm going to put it like this. After hearing about both different hays-- What hay would you buy?

Sudan vs. Orchard Blend

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