Cheap preservative applicator. Don't laugh!

mardi 26 août 2014

Our family has been baling hay (small operation - NW Ohio) since I can't remember when, 44 years old today. This weeks change of forecast after I cut pushed me over the edge. Anyway I cut a small 8 acre field of some really fancy 3rd cutting. I cut on Saturday hoping to make it today. Anyway cloudy skies and an unforecasted rain front coming thru caused me to try preservative. I ran to TSC and grabbed a $89 sprayer. Bought a spray tip that said 1/10 of a gallon every minute at 30 psi, as slow of tip as they had. Mounted the sprayer and deep cycle battery on top of baler with small straps. Angled the spray wand into the chamber with Gorilla tape where the hay enters the plunger near the cutter bar. Mounted the on-off switch above the twine box on rear of baler. (NH 580) In 340 , 50 pound bales I used approx half of the 13.5 gallon tote. I figure with the price of hay, if this works it will pay for itself in the first load. I still have to do some calculations, but I think it worked pretty darn slick. Might get crazy and look to add a regular Tedder to the operation. We've never needed one but seems its harder and harder to make good hay with the simple tools of the past. Haybine, rake and baler.

Attached Thumbnails

Cheap preservative applicator. Don't laugh!

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