Contract Growing Cattle

dimanche 24 août 2014

My wife and just bought her parents house which sits in the middle of 58 acres. Her dad sold his cows in July. I'm gonna rent the acreage with the intention of putting row crops on most of it and haying the rest. I've been toying with the idea of getting into cattle. I've never had any and have very limited experience with them. Right now I'm contemplating sowing down 40-50 acres (aprox. 8-10 acres not tillable) in annual ryegrass and clover mid-end of sept. My thinking is I could graze some calves (about 400#) starting in Nov. til mid April and get them up to the 700# range. I'm leaning toward trying to finding someone locally who could furnish the calves and pay me based on the amount of gain.

Is this a doable idea?

Have any of y'all done this?

What kind of stocking rate should I be looking at?

I know that it's not as simple as it sounds, but I'm looking at it as a piece of the pie kinda thing. If I could make a few thousand over the winter on the calves it would offset my rent. Then I'm could cut it for hay about mid May and plant beans. Am I being overly optimistic or overlooking anything that should be obvious?

Contract Growing Cattle

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