Help me figure this customer out

mercredi 20 août 2014

Because I sure as hell can't.

A woman rents a stable and land from a rich guy. She is pretty sharp and has all 23 stalls rented. Like me, she hustles all day, lives in tattered rags and drives junk with 100k miles.

She asked me to cut and bale all the property in June and I could keep it all, which I did. She even allowed me to store 8 of the best RB's in a riding arena. Sporadically, she had me deliver straw to her, but she would NOT buy my hay. She would have me go get medium bales from a big local guy i know and deliver them to her. I also bush hogged her paddocks

Sounds pretty good so far, right?

About 3 weeks ago, I stopped by and noticed she ran out of small squares and one of my round bales she was allowing me to store was cut open.

I was all jacked up. I thought "finally she's using my hay". I asked the stable hand if the horses liked it. He said he thought they liked it, but I could easily see it wasn't as good as the hay that I was bringing in from the other guy.

In fact, I think I may have made a mistake allowing her to access it, because now she can probably see it is just bales from the best patch of grass I could find on her property.

I contacted her a few days after she used up 2-3 bales and asked her if she wanted to buy the rest. She did. I got good money for all 8 of them.

Knowing it was average at best hay (really just the best 8 RBs of a natural grass field), I told her I had 10 Orch/Tim mix bales from another field ready for her if she wanted better hay. I also told her they were much better quality.

I stopped back yesterday and the place was filled with someone else's straw and someone else's hay.

I have done everything but shined her floors.

What went wrong????

Help me figure this customer out

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