Sold my Calves

mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Sold my calves the other day; I was well pleased with what I got. I got a $1.94 for my steers under 500 pounds, $1.69 for my steer between 500 and 600 pounds., and averaged about $1.47 for my heifers.


Got all my cows preg checked and only had one that was open, I have about 5 that are going to be late calvers. I was thinking of selling them, but I think I will just keep them instead. There is no way that I am going to be able to replace them for what I bought them for last year.


All in all yesterday was a good day, but a busy one. I would have liked to watch my calves sell, but we just had to much work to do. We preg checked about 370 through yesterday, of those 18 were mine.

Sold my Calves

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