Herbacide drift?

mercredi 15 novembre 2017

So one of my new seedings this year had completely died off - I was pondering whether it was just because it was a super-dry summer here in Mid-michigan, but I'm really not sure. The more I think about it, the more I think maybe the guy sprayed Dicamba on his beans over the fence and it nailed my field. 


Seeded it May 20 with 10lb alfalfa, 4lb OG, 4lb timothy, 2lb brome, got pretty good germination - here's a photo on July 27th when I did my first cutting:


2017-07-27 16.25.47-edit.jpeg


And this is the same field, in a similar location (albeit panorama shot) from November 1, before any frosts:


2017-11-01 16.29.45 Edit.jpeg


I'm really at a loss as to what would cause this apart from drift. It was dry, but we've had a ridiculous amount of rain since about october 1, and there's basically 0 regrowth.


It's only on the part of the field that directly adjoins the neighbors field. As you can see on the panorama, the left side of the field in front of the woods is nice and green.



Herbacide drift?

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