Looking for an innovative way to sprig

samedi 25 novembre 2017

So, here's the deal. I did some experimenting with Jiggs last year. After attending a "hay day" with the university here I discovered Jiggs seems to like my clay based soil. I purchased a few round rolls green and planted in an small area (about 3 acres) just to see how it did. Well, after I planted I got absolutely no rain for over 2 months. To my surprise when the rain finally came it started to grow is has done very well.


Not having access to any type of sprigger what I did was roll the bales out with the loader as best I could and then used a fluffer to back into this mess to try and spread it out. I guess it worked ok but my soil was so dry it was one big dust bowl.


So, I am looking for ideas on how to better deal with the actual spreading of the sprigs. Any ideas other than using my fluffer? I actually tired to hire some Mexicans from the row crop guys but at that time they could not spare any.

Looking for an innovative way to sprig

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