Spring Seeding Orchardgrass

lundi 20 novembre 2017

I have around 50 acres of ground that needs to be seeded back into hay this spring.  One field is about 15 acres that has always been row cropped but has some pretty sizeable ditches in it, I am seeding it to keep the ditches from getting any worse.  The other 35 acres has been in hay in the past but was row cropped for the last 5 or so years to help get rid of a Johnson Grass problem.  All 50 acres were in soybeans last year so I couldn't get it drilled in the fall, so I'm going to have to do something this coming spring.  I am wanting to grow an orchardgrass mixed hay, but I know that it will not produce great the first year and spring seedings are not the best.  What I am wondering about is putting an oat nurse crop in with the orchardgrass, then if need be adding to the orchardgrass in the fall.


Is this a work able solution?  When would I need to plant the oat/orchardgrass mix?

Spring Seeding Orchardgrass

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