Grain Sorghum w legume interplant

lundi 20 novembre 2017

Many of you are aware of my practice of taking first cut and then seeding forage sorghum for the summer months. This has worked really well to suppress weeds and reduce tillage requirements as well as stretch that fertilizer dollar.
I am considering switching some acres to a grain variety on 36" rows and then interseeding red clover. My thought is after the grain harvest in October I should be able to make baleage from the stubble and lower clover. It appears the height difference should allow for harvest with minimal green material clogging up the old gleaner rotor.
Thoughts on how the interseeded clover will affect grain yield? Thoughts or experience on how clover will do as an understory crop.
Suggestions for a different companion crop?

Grain Sorghum w legume interplant

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