Help me with feed choice questions

samedi 30 décembre 2017

I use CPC Commodities for bulk feed, I am about to order another tote sack of bulk feed and would like some advice from those who know more than me...


Feeding a 2yr old heifer & 2- 6mo old calf's, also feeding the same feed to 3 horses.. 


All are on a lot, cows are separate from the horses, all have free choice hay. 


The last sack of feed was 13% grower, everyone loved it, I hand feed every evening.


I think I want to up the protein level, thinking it's winter and they could put the extra fat content to use with body heat ??


If ya have time, look over this link below and advise me what I should feed this time please.


I'm leaning towards their "CPC 16% Supreme"



Thanks, Chris

Help me with feed choice questions

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