
dimanche 31 décembre 2017

Just curious what others do for vitamins to the herd for the winter. Normally we feed TM salt mixed with rumensin and vitamins AD+E with the silage or grain. This year the price of that blend went from $1,000 to $1,725 a Tonne and the mill is blaming it on the vitamins. Apparently a BASF plant in Germany that does the initial step in vitamin production burnt up and is offline till end of March. We found two months supply of straight AD+E at 4 different Coop stores and cleaned them out yesterday since the price still seemed reasonable. I know some guys who only give blue salt blocks year round and don't have issues (my FIL's cows don't get anything else besides ivomec after they start scratching). Not going that route but I'm wondering if others are having issues with supply or are changing their practices this year.

The nutritionist said it's "only $1.20 a month more per cow than last year". That's like $5k for the rest of the winter which I could find much better ways to blow than this.

BTW the nutritionist doesn't have cows and that probably affects his view on this.


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