Prices on used NH 7230 Discbines

jeudi 29 novembre 2018

I'm still in the search finding that discbine i can drag home before Christmas. I have one more to checkout this weekend. I did appraisals on couple different year models (2010, 2013) from BTW, anyone use this site to evaluate equipment? To compare the appraisal to asking price is a huge difference, about 25%-30% difference. I tried to negotiate down to the appraisal price but dealer does more than scoffs. Is there a supply and demand thing going on where the dealers get what they want on discbines?


I spoke with a dealer yesterday concerning trade-in values and retail values on my tractor and haybine which he gave me  what I consider sound advice. We both came up with the same numbers. Maybe tractor prices and discbine prices are a world apart. I ended up buying the tractor well below asking price and market price.

Prices on used NH 7230 Discbines

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