Same haybine different brand?

lundi 12 novembre 2018

I have a CIH 1490 haybine that has a few parts that are worn out and in need of replacing. There is a spindle comming out of the wobble box that a bracket slides over and bolts to the cutter bar head. The splines on both the spindle and the bracket are pretty worn. I took the bracket in to a local dealer and he thinks for the amount of use I put on the machine, just having a new bracket with good splines will tighten things up good enough to last quite awhile for me. He is pretty knowledgable and I trust his judgement, he has always been pretty good to me. The replacement bracket is $300 new, I found an equipment dealer about an hour away that has a 1490 for $500 and a New Idea 5112 for $500 as well. Claims the are both runners, over the phone he didnt seem to know much about them however. My question is, are the 1490 and 5112 the same haybine just with different paint jobs? They look very similar from the pictures and online it seems as though there are parts for sale that claim to fit both machines. I have heard of equipment being made by the same company and just being rebranded, is this the case for these machines? That would be best case scenario for me, as I could go assess the part I need on both machines and pick the better of the two, and come home with a whole parts haybine as well. The hydraulic drive, guards, knives, belts, etc would all be useful to have, especially since the 1490 model is uncommon. Sorry for the lengthy post, any knowledge/ advice is appreciated.

Same haybine different brand?

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