Planted ryegrass

jeudi 6 décembre 2018

Planted some ryegrass. Had my dad do it as I was busy harvesting pecans. Thought he was going to use a no till drill. He came back with a deere regular drill with double coulter openers. Said it worked good since ryegrass doesnt need to be out in the soil. Glad i stopped him before he started they gave him gulf ryegrass seed instead if tetraploid. Was wondering though, we are forcasted for 4 inches of rain tomarrow think there is a chance it could wash away?
Coop told him a no till drill cant plant ryegrass seed at 1/2 inch deep.
Lastyear i had prepaired the seedbed and where i planted 1/2 inch deeo it worked better becuase i had a little moisture deeper to getit going. Rest didnt come up till a month later when we got a rain. So this year i was think8ng out it in half inch down so the rain wouldnt wash it away.

Planted ryegrass

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