What is your cost of production?

jeudi 6 décembre 2018

Working on some year end business, its always interesting to figure cost of production. Whether its straight alfalfa, alfalfa/grass mix, straight grass, or somewhere in between, what is your cost of production per ton? I am always amazed at what it ACTUALLY costs to produce a ton of hay. I realize there is differences in quality, and that adds or detracts a little from cost of production. After I had to sell the cows, I figured my CoP per pound of beef, I was amazed where i could have changed management practices and made a big difference. Our corn/soybean CoP isnt totally done yet as we just finished harvest last tuesday. Insurance hasnt gotten back to us on total payment.


Im not totally done doing the math yet, so I will add mine when I get to that point.

What is your cost of production?

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