engine option for nh311

vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Looking at my parts manual I see that there was a factory option for an engine on the 311, but it never lists the engine just all the stuff it would take to mount it and hook it up. I have googled and googled and not been able to find what type or size it would have been. The closest I came was somebody on here mentioned that the 273 had a 4cyl. Wisconsin on it at about 28 hp.


After reading the posts about the 3 string balers and how the guys that run them say a separate engine is the only way to go I got curious. We just picked up a 1049 stacker this year so it will be the first time we can regulate our baler speed by something other than how fast the guy/guys on the wagon can stack.


Any help would be appreciated. 

engine option for nh311

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