Wet baling for $

mardi 15 décembre 2015

I need you folks thoughts on this one. The farmer a cross the road has helped me bale dry hay when my baler has broke . That been said I have baled for him when his broke too. This past spring he wanted to wet bale tricale . So I said I would bale it . He cut it . I then I baled it with my baler. Used the other tractor with the bale squeeze and another tractor hooked to a single bale wrapper . 3 tractors involved on my side. The problem was after it was done , never thanked me or made an effort to pay which I only asked him to pay for the plastic wrap and everything else was on me .
He has asked Sunday what he owes me for baling to send him a bill.............which was was baled in May.
He has a field of rye planted now and Iam sure he wants me to bale it next spring but I sure as hell don't want to bale his hay when I need to worry about my hay . He has no wet baler no wrapper only an old haybine to cut it. I don't think I should wear out my 30 plus thousand dollar on his hay . That beening said I work a full job first
So my time is very limited . I know this sounds snobie but my friends told me to tell 20 bucks a bale next year so he won't get me to do it.

Wet baling for $

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