The Line Between Wagons, Accumulator and Bale Bandits??????

dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Just curious for you folks using accumulators and bale bandit type equipment vs thrower or stack wagons - where did you draw the line in the sand from a quantity standpoint and say, enough, it's time to move away from wagons to an accumulator/grapple system and then say the accumulator is to slow for this qty volume of hay and move to a bale bandit type system.

We are all stack wagons now, maybe next would be an EZ trail wagon to eliminate labor stacking the wagon and everyone could hang out at the barn. At some point, it might make sense to use an accumulator/grapple set-up. Bottom line is time is more limited than labor available - outside the day job hours.

Just window shopping/planning ahead as I feel as we open up more acreage, the wagons might get old in a hurry.


The Line Between Wagons, Accumulator and Bale Bandits??????

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