Bale feeder questions

mercredi 20 janvier 2016

Hello fellow cattlemen. Or is it "cow men"??

Anyway, I have some cows and some steer feeding on my hay. They are chomping on it pretty well, but I have no basis to know how well. They seem to walk over to the feeder about 4-6 times per day and chow down. However, when they're done, they walk away and seem to nose around at the ground looking for other forage. The ground is frozen and there's very little to forage. They also hang over the fence, eating dead weeds, even branches outside the fence.
Is this normal or cause for concern.
Also as you'll see in the picture, I'm concerned the feeder is too high for the immature cattle. They struggle to reach the hay. It was sold to me as a cattle hay feeder.
Also, when I dump a RB in, it must be dumped at an angle or it will sit up too high in feeder. My bales are dense. It looks like they're really working hard to tear off hay. Sometimes I have to go over and "shake up" the bale so it's easier to chomp on.
Is this normal, or a cause for concern with these issues?

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Bale feeder questions

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