Teff vs. Italian Ryegrass

samedi 8 avril 2017

I am still trying to determine what we are going to plant this year.  We were going to plant twenty acres in RR alfalfa, but due to the higher cost and the fact that we have some oats left over from last year we decided to plant regular alfalfa with oats as a cover crop.  We also have twenty acres that we are going to plant either Teff or Italian ryegrass.  The Teff is $2.70/ pound, and the ryegrass is $1.69, so I am leaning towards the ryegrass, and the fact that we can plant it earlier than the Teff.  


Now my seed guy recommends 15# per acre for Teff, and 20# per acre for the ryegrass.  Does that sound about right.  


What do you guys think of the Sorghum sudan grass?  I can buy it for $1.59 per pound, but my seed guy said to plant it at 30# per acre.  


Thanks in advance, 


Teff vs. Italian Ryegrass

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