Crazy thought for hay additives

samedi 1 février 2020

Long time ago, I read a thread here on HT about a hay preservative that allegedly added an "apple flavor" to presumably cover the smell of the hay preservative.

Got me to thinking.

What if, when a liquid hay preservative system WASNT being used, one could add an economical flavor additive to make hay more tasty, or even more nutritious? Like a diluted apple flavoring? 

Maybe something like this is already available, I dont know.

I just keep looking back at my Harvest tec mounted on the baler thinking "is there some other use for this"? 


In other words, drums of liquid with a taste improver and maybe nutrition booster for horses? Just for the record: I realize the primary goal should be to make palatable hay FIRST, but what about some of the bales that didn’t turn out perfect? Not high moisture or dusty hay, but hay that saw a little rain, then dried properly or grasses horses might not otherwise devour? 


OK,,,, flame suit zipped, steel toe shoes with metatarsul protectors tied, chain saw chaps buckled, forestry helmet on with flip down eye protectors and hearing protectors over the ears.  

Again, please ignore if this product is already made. 

Crazy thought for hay additives

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