Wheel Line Irrigation

jeudi 27 février 2020

Hey everyone, 


So I need to get some insight on wheel line irrigation. I am a new assistant manager on a cattle ranch. I do not have much experience with moving alot of wheel lines and need some insight with our current operation. We raise our own hay and have about 1000 acres of irrigated ground. About 300 of that is our main hay ground. We currently have about 15-17 wheel lines on those 300 acres. The land runs along a creek and has a slew which cuts through the middle of most of this ground, these two things make it very difficult to have long wheel lines and most of the fields are odd shaped. This also means your always adding and dropping wheels. We have a really hard time keeping guys around that want to work as the irrigation hand. We usually employee one man to be the main irrigator at this site and then have some extra part time help. I feel that there are some things we could do to be more efficient but I think this position is really hard on guys and they seem to burn out or become overwhelmed by it. It seems simple enough but I dont have the experience to be a good judge of whether or not this is too much work for 1-2 guys. Also does anyone have anymore advice on hiring and also training irrigators? Thanks for your time. 

Wheel Line Irrigation

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