Herbicide for Timothy

lundi 3 février 2020

Last year was the first year we tried some timothy and was overall satisfied with the results and our ability to sell it locally.  I broadcast that field which gave me an uneven stand in places where the annual weed (henbit, shepherd purse,  or bedstraw) thrived in the spring.  I never sprayed the field.  Wasn't really a big deal as I cut and baled the best parts of the field and skipped the worst.  This year I planted another field using a no-till drill from the local NRCS office and have a much more even stand.  If I can spray this new first year stand of timothy in the spring just to keep it as clean as I can, I would like too, and am curious on what my options might be?  


Couple things to note.  I use the timothy somewhat as a cover crop on our farm in that I will only keep it for the one cutting in the spring.  The seed is pretty cheap compared to other crops.  Once baled, we no-till soybeans into the stubble and control weeds based on the conventional methods for soybeans.  We double crop this way bc small square timothy/soybeans pencils out a little better than wheat/sm sq straw/soybeans for us.  The soybeans can be planted about 2-3 weeks sooner than our double crop beans in wheat so they bushel out a little better and the shorter stubble seams to help them get established a little quicker and out compete summer weeds better also.  The soybeans in timothy stubble were much cleaner than our wheat stubble.


Also our primary business if vegetables so can't use 2,4-D, etc.  Tomatoes and 2,4-D don't get along.  I plant timothy in areas that aren't in fall vegetables to keep ground cover over the winter and produce some early income before the vegetable season ramps up.  After the timothy is off I could go back in that ground with fall vegetables instead of soybeans so no residuals either.  I've been reading on Prowl H20, but still unsure.


Any thoughts?





Herbicide for Timothy

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