2015 Alfalfa Fields Drowned

mardi 12 janvier 2016

I have about 50 acres of alfalfa / grass mix at about a 70 /30 alfalfa to grass ratio, in three different fields on the same farm. All the fields are about 3 years old from planting.


I cut my first 20 acres on the first week of June and got it up dry.  Then it rained for 4 weeks straight.  One of the largest total amounts of rain in our Central Illinois Region in history for that period. We were water-logged like I've never seen it before.


The 20 acres of hay fields I had cut did not grow during this rainy period.  After the rain quit and fields dried, I cut the remaining 30 acres first cut around mid July.


My problem is the first cut 20 acre fields only produced a minimum of hay for a second cut (20% of customary yield) and no third cut and full of foxtail.  It looks like the alfalfa plants drowned if that's possible.  My field cut in July did fine for second cut, but because I ran so late their was no third or forth cuts.


I fertilized all 50 acres, but have this sick feeling that the weak alfalfa fields are not coming back in the spring. I just couldn't find much on the way of alfalfa plants in these week fields in the late fall..


Can the alfalfa plant regenerate after something like this.  What are my options.



2015 Alfalfa Fields Drowned

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