1300 Acres - Alfalfa & Small Grain ~ Free or Bids?

vendredi 2 décembre 2016

1300 Acres of alfalfa and small grain have traditionally have been grown on this land, and still does. I'm not a farmer but I don't want the land to become a waste land of weeds and brush. My yearly taxes are $9k, and I was thinking about taking bids from famers who would like to farm the land. So what kind of bids should I take, and would it be enough to pay the taxes? Portion of the land I would like to take bids on and the other portion to be farmed by farmers who have equipment but can't afford the land use or water. Make sense? I have great water rights to boot!

1300 Acres - Alfalfa & Small Grain ~ Free or Bids?

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