Annual forages, drilling methods, seeding rates

vendredi 23 décembre 2016

I grow spring cereals and summer annuals under pivot for dry hay.  I have a notill drill with 7.5" spacing.  I have been debating trying cross drilling, planting half the seed one direction and half perpendicular to the first half.  I have sandy soils, and my main concern is that I'm losing a lot of fertilizer between the rows(mainly nitrogen).  90% of nitrogen is applied through the pivots.  If I kept my seeding rates the same, would this make enough difference to make up the cost of drilling twice as many acres?


Another thought I had:  Say in a crop of sorghum sudan, at 50lbs/acre,  If I would reduce the sorghum sudan to 40lbs and cross drill 10lbs of foxtail millet, or something similar, to catch more fertilizer and fill in the rows.


Any comments would be appreciated!

Annual forages, drilling methods, seeding rates

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