teff vs orchard mix

lundi 19 décembre 2016

     Trying to get some insight from you guys who have done grass.  I've got a field coming out of seed alfalfa I need to plant to grass, and I'm having trouble with what type of grass would work best.  Orchard Brome mixes are popular here, often with some ryegrass and festulolium mixed in as well.  My other option would be to go to teff for a year or 2 and then back to alfalfa.  I have no experience with grass, I'm new to hay and have only been doing straight alfalfa thus far.  I'm wondering what kind of real world tonnage difference do you guys see between a good orchrdgrass mix and teff, is it worth the planting it every year ?  I have a good moco so I'm not worried about the cutting, but when it comes to drying, I do have a wheel rake but no tedder, am I going to have significant trouble drying one over the other?  I know teff can be harder to sell but I believe I have a reasonable market for it here between the horse people and the cattle guys, but is there a noticable difference in what you guys can get for each?  And is there any significant advantage in fertilizer needs between the two ?I've been trying to chase down trials on tonnage and performance for the grass mixes everywhere and just can't seem to find any good information, same with teff.  Any help you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated.


teff vs orchard mix

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