Teff in the crop rotation

mardi 20 décembre 2016

So here is what I'm thinking...scary thought.


I am currently running about 400 acres of wheat on a wheat-wheat-summer fallow rotation in NW Kansas.  We are dryland, and can get hot, no irrigation, average around 23" precipitation a year.  I really need to change my cropping mix, but trying to figure our a rotation.  Milo will be part of it, but we struggle to get wheat in after milo, and beans/corn are a no go here, just too dry and/or hot.


My thought is to add teff in a wheat-milo-teff rotation then back to wheat.  I could even add field peas as a pulse crop in a wheat-milo-field peas/teff rotation with the teff going tinto the field pea stubble in June after harvest.  Teff would be killed or torn um in early Sept.  for wheat planting.  I have no cattle, so anything in the rotation would be sold, not fed.


How might teff perform in this type of rotation?  Not looking to win the yield lottery, just keep cost down with a potential for return in that year that would normally be fallow.


Thoughts?  Is there a better option for the 3rd year than teff that doesn't have a high cost to establish and will still let me get back to wheat.

Teff in the crop rotation

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