Down Sizing

vendredi 23 décembre 2016

I made the tough decision 2 weeks ago that downsizing was inevitable. Being declared a disaster area due to the drought, I can defer the capital gains until next year.

Was able to place some nice full mouth cows to individuals. Culled the rest by their condition or teeth. I am feeding half of what I was. It was still hard to see gentle momma cows go. I tend to hang on to them too long.

This summer was a challenge. No pasture, small hay yields, low cattle prices. Fed hay all summer when the cows should have been on good grass. Have 2 tons of winter ryegrass and black oat seed that I have not planted and need it more this year than ever. We are still in a D4 drought.

Sold 26 weaned/vaccinated calves that did well. 

My wife says I do too much for one person. She may be right. Just grew up working and finding a way to make it work.

Down Sizing

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