It's official: I'm Retiring

lundi 5 décembre 2016

The paperwork is in. My last day of work at this job will be Dec 28th.

My wife is retiring on the same day.

We plan to travel some ...and catch up on projects around the house. Then ...I have my eye on a couple potential part time jobs that I might want to do, or not. Looking for ideas on how to donate time and efforts but have not zero'd in on one. I'm not ready to be put out to pasture.

I have mixed feelings on all this. I'm not sure how I will handle retirement. I need something to do, to feel needed or that I'm accomplishing something. Will working my property be enough? There is work here but not sure my back or knees can do that 4 or 5 days week. It's all new to me. I'm sure it will all work out. I'm excited but also hoping I will not feel empty or bored.

It's official: I'm Retiring

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