How To

mercredi 21 mars 2018

Over the years I've found and joined forums on just about any subject that interest me, reloading, flying upside down in a cold air balloon whatever☺

On most forums a member can post a picture with just a few simple mouse clicks. However this site is a pain in the rear.

I found a post that said you have to start with your control panel.

GREAT! like most folks give me a push in the right direction that's all I need.

A stranger will open up his control panel and not find one link to uploading pictures, however IF you use "pictures" in the search engine then and only then do you get to where you can upload a picture.

After uploading the picture if you want to use that picture then all you have to do is copy its URL and then paste it.

I'm retired and have more spare time than most. I might be wrong but I think many members wish there was 25 hours in the day. These members do not have the spare time to waste chasing links.

If band width is the problem, put a size limit on uploads, but could someone look at how pictures are posted?

If we would have to hire some experts to fix this tiny problem I would make a small donation to get it started ☺☺

while I'm bitching maybe someone could take a hard look at what is offered as smiles. Most do not deliver any kind of message.

How To

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