New Holland 650 twine arm issues
New Holland 650 twine arm issues
dimanche 31 mai 2020
New Holland 650 twine arm issues
MF1260 Tachometer
MF1260 Tachometer
Certified Organic Hay preservative
Any suggestions for OMRI certified organic hay preservative? Just looking for "insurance" when having to bale big bales at moisture a tad high like 15 to 16%, maybe 18%. Hoping to bale at 12 to 14% but we all know how that goes. This is for alfalfa orchard grass mix. I have used DynaCure and it might work but I'm not sure. Any comments on DynaCure working at that moisture level? I already have an acid applicator on my big square baler but acid is not OMRI certified. I have the tank/sprayer for DynaCure - just need to mount it on my cutter. Thanks in advance
Certified Organic Hay preservative
Me needing help - again
The ATV X1140 I bought a few weeks ago has gotten hard to get it to stay in reverse. You have to push the lever down very very hard at the bottom of travel to get it into reverse and then sometime when you are backing up and let up on the throttle it will jump out of gear.
Is there some sort of linkage adjustment. It seems like the lever bottoms out before it gets fully into gear.
Also, while I've got you, any recommendations on obtaining a shop manual for this model.
Thanks so much for your time. Y'all have a wonderful Sunday. It is really getting to be summertime in south Alabama
Me needing help - again
Convert Krone 160 from twine to netwrap?
How much does it cost to convert a Krone 160 from twine to netwrap?
Is it a very complicated job?
Yellow Bird
Convert Krone 160 from twine to netwrap?
New idea disc mower
samedi 30 mai 2020
New idea disc mower
Best place to buy inner skid shoe and
Skid shoes for Kuhn GMD 700, old model not GII?
Best place to buy inner skid shoe and
seed plates for White 543?
I need seed plates for a White 543 4 row planter.
Drop a link to a site if you would. Thanks!
seed plates for White 543?
Grass hay from small fields. Best methodology?
Good Evening All,
This may be a longish post, so please bear with me.
I've been cutting and tedding my own hay for the past 5 years and having it baled by a contractor. Last winter I bought a small square baler and will be doing the whole job myself this year. Equipment comprises a Kuhn GMD44 disc mower, a Zagroda tedder/rake (Polish copy of a PZ haybob) and a JD 359T baler. Tractor is a 1967 Nuffield 465 (65hp).
I'll be making grass hay from 3 small fields. the smallest about 1 1/2 acres, roughly rectangular, The largest about 5 acres, roughly rectangular, length about twice the width. The third field about 4 acres, triangular, one square corner where the gate is.
In previous years I've cut the triangular field working from the outside in, in decreasing triangles until I reach the middle. the rectangular fields I cut from outside inwards in decreasing rectangles for 5 or 6 rows, then cut lengthwise rows. Obviously, I work clockwise, turning right towards the mower. When tedding and when rowing-up for the baler, I work anti-clockwise using the same pattern as for the cut. This seems to work OK for rectangular fields but makes it awkward for the baler in the triangular field, because of the acute corners, a lot of hay gets missed and has to be raked up again. This results in me dashing around behind the baler raking-in the missed bits to save his time.
Now that I'll be doing all three jobs, I won't be having to concern myself with the baler's time but I don't want to work inefficiently. I only have the one tractor, so i don't ideally want lots of equipment changes, but I wonder whether it might be better to work the triangle field in straight lines, apart from the outside few rows, row-up the straight runs and bale them, then row-up the outside rows for baling, accepting that they will have been driven on a fair bit.
I'm somewhat self-taught, so I don't know if my methods are good or if there is a better approach. Much as I enjoy the satisfaction of making my own hay, any suggestions and tips that reduce the time and effort, or just make a better job of it, would be greatly appreciated.
Grass hay from small fields. Best methodology?
Krone 160 twine problems
I have a krone 160 baler. I am constantly having problems with the twine fingers picking up the twine correctly. One bale only the left finger picks up, the next bale both fingers pick up, the next bale only the right finger picks up. I have adjusted it according to the manual and tried various twines. Any suggestions?
Krone 160 twine problems
oat hay
vendredi 29 mai 2020
My question is it to late to plant oats as a cover crop for my new hay seeding. June 1 st. I live in east.cent Mn. Short on hay this year and could use some oat hay. Appreciate your help. Dan
oat hay
Lump jaw bull
I have a bull with a large lump under his jaw, because of him having a set of horns that are wider than I can reach across and him being somewhat unfriendly you do not see him very often. He has been on wheat pasture and should be slick and shiny. When I saw him he is poor and it looks like his tongue is sticking out too far and he is slobbering. I have not had any of these lump jaw cattle since I was a kid and it was always debris that caused an infection under their tongue. I mentioned this to a friend of mine in the same business he said it may be parasites to put ivermectin on him and it would take care of it. I remember having to lance the lumps and work the bs out of it which is a problem with this bull unless I use a pneumatic gun and tranquilize him. Is it a possibility that it is a parasite and if so will ivermectin take care of it or do I go ahead and knock him down and lance it?
Lump jaw bull
NEW Holland 570 Plunger Bearing
jeudi 28 mai 2020
Hi Fellas,
Just bout a 570 and am slowly going though what needs fixing, I've got to the plunger and have replace all the bearings but the main bearing has me stumped. I took off the side plate and it now has two large washers that cover the circlips but I can not get these to shift, has anyone got any tips or even a manual that could shed some light on the situation.
NEW Holland 570 Plunger Bearing
Found this is my field yesterday. Anybody else with these mowers have skid plate issues? I haven't been happy with the cutting height of the machine. Manual claims 6.6 inches and I could not get 5 in. out of it last several years. This year while looking through manual realized that when using skid plate extensions lift cylinders needed moved to a different hole location. I now have over 5 in.
For regular mowing I'm running 3.75 in. I'm wondering if I'm putting more stress on with keeping the extensions on all the time. The other shows some stress cracks.
Weed and grass ID
mercredi 27 mai 2020
Weed and grass ID
Where do Kubota rtv500's go to die
Where do Kubota rtv500's go to die
NH 1075for small 14" sq bales????
NH 1075for small 14" sq bales????
NH 1075
NH 1075
new holland hw 320 swather
My display on my steering column has no power to it. Machine will start for a second and then die. Fuses look good. Any help is appreciated.
new holland hw 320 swather
Kuhn 4 basket tedder (old): model number location?
Hi All! Buying a used Kuhn 4 basket tedder. Year and model unknown, covered in gunk. Yup, it'll need parts and work but need the model number. Can you folks tell me where I find this on a Kuhn tedder? Thanks in advance.
For some context, we used to borrow a neighbor's old Walton (liked this!) But we've moved to a new farm in a new state and kinda need a new tedder. We prefer the older beasties. Granted, we're not hay business just homestead/ small farm folk.
Kuhn 4 basket tedder (old): model number location?
Vermeer 504N, bird nest, odd wire, E51 code
Getting my 504N ready to roll, had birds nest to right of gear box, cleaned it out found a large white wire not plugged into anything,(picture)
all the plugs in that area are tight, Checked monitor, no codes, I when into diagnostic mode shows E51, is this current or past fault code? Ive had roller 5-6 years and never had a problem with the twine actuator,(its twine only). Arm works as it should manually form monitor.
Do I need to check other things or just head for the field?
Vermeer 504N, bird nest, odd wire, E51 code
2 basket tedder
I'm looking to add a 2 basket tedder.
What brand should I look for and what brands should I stay away from?
I'm thinking I need to stick with a 2 basket unless you think a 4 basket would work in a 5 acre field?
Thank you,
2 basket tedder
2008 RTV1100 -fuel gauge, speedometer & temperature gage
None of the analog meters work. The digital hour meter doesn’t work. The glow plug symbol illuminates as normal. Also the wiper/windshield washer doesn’t work the fuse is good and checks good with ohm meter.
Pulled the display out of the dash all cables were seated and secure . Have not been able to find an electrical diagram that shows the meters .
Any help is highly appreciated !
2008 RTV1100 -fuel gauge, speedometer & temperature gage
Drilling alfalfa with brillion vs grain drill
mardi 26 mai 2020
Drilling alfalfa with brillion vs grain drill
Mastitis ??
I have a first time mamma, calf was born last night or early today, everything looks good but when watching them, the calf concentrates on 1 or 2 tits and it seems to be trying hard to get milk out and the 2 tits look sort of small while the other 2 tits are larger, and it looks like when the calf gets one of the larger ones the cow will gently raise her leg as if the large tits are sore..
I can't get my hands on the cow to check them closer...
If her tits are sore, is their anything I could feed her to combat mastitis, or diagnose it ?
Hopefully things will be good, I'm just thinking of what if kind of things....
Thanks, Chris
Mastitis ??
Mystery JD baler parts?
I've been getting the JD 359T (European model) that I bought last November, ready for use. While cleaning out the accumulated bits of twine, wrappers and general junk from the twine box, I found two heavy springs, similar to the bale chamber squeeze springs and four pieces of green angle iron, approx inch and a half by inch and a half, by about a foot long, angled at both ends. I'm guessing these are baler parts. They look unused, so maybe they are an accessory or optional part. I'm new to baler ownership, so I have no idea what they are. Can anyone advise, please?
Mystery JD baler parts?
Net Wrap Roll Spacers.
I am going to run 48 in net wrap in my John Deere round baler this year. What are you folks putting in for spacers to keep the roll centered? Deere offers a part but they are really pricey. Thanks in advance.
Net Wrap Roll Spacers.
Will alfalfa or sainfoin grow in sand?
Will alfalfa or sainfoin grow in sand?
NH 377
Hi. Just been looking at the old man's baler nh 377. The guide rail at bottom of plunger appears worn on the last 2 or 3 inches where the eccentric cam bearing runs. Is this usual? i can't see a replacement part for this rail but can it be turned front to back?
NH 377
NH Round Baler - wiring hardness
Well I got one of those pesky wire hardness problems. Good news it is not the wrapping system, bad news it's my rear tail/brake lights (which I think I need traveling a state 4 lane divided highway it seems ).
I've traced it about half way back on the baler to a spot that was 'easier' to get at to cut the outside protective covering. Here is my question, does anyone have a better idea on how to cut that protective covering so it can be somewhat re-used? Where I cut it, it now looks like a mouse has been chewing on it. I have it located to the last 8' of the hardness, going on top to tear into the point of the hardness bending at the rear gate hinge next IDB.
And is there an electronic sensor that I can use to trace to the break? I'm thinking like they use to find electric, telephone, water or gas lines underground.
NH Round Baler - wiring hardness
Where is the spark arrestor
lundi 25 mai 2020
Can someone confirm to me that this year and model has a spark arrestor and how to get to it. Thanks.
Where is the spark arrestor
New Holland BC 5070 Oiler
New Holland BC 5070 Oiler
Kawasaki Mule SX
My old 4 wheeler is about to clutch the pearl. We are looking at Kawasaki Mule SXs', don't care about any other brands. Any one have one of these? Just going to be used for cow checking, looking at fences, and pleasure etc. no heavy towing or anything like that. Age is catching up to me and can't straddle the 4 wheeler for more than an hour or so before I have to learn to walk again LOL. We like these SXs' they are about the same size as the 4 wheeler and I can go where a regular size UTV can't.
Kawasaki Mule SX
New to me RTVX-1100c No power on inclines
On road it's fine but my max speed is like 21mph at best so I am thinking something is wrong with the power delivery.
Also unrelated I can't get into Low gear. I did it once but it came back out. When I checked the cable underneath it is adjusted as far as it can go in the direction to
get it to get to low. The other gears shift fine for the most part but they do seem a little off to me, thinking maybe the cable is bad or ir can be adjusted the lever?
To eliminate some basics I added about 50% new fuel, put in a new fuel filter and drained the transmission fluid and changed both suction and other filer and oil change as well.
Only difference seems to be that it is super jerky when letting off the gas now, maybe more so than before the oil change. But my biggest issue is the inability to operate with any load on the machine.
I tried to get the steering wheel of and couldn't budget it even with Kroil.
Sorry for the long first post but as you can imagine I am pretty bummed out.
New to me RTVX-1100c No power on inclines
vermeer mc 3700
Hello everyone. Looking for some feedback on the operation of mc 3700 vermeer disc bine. Just picked up last Friday and have no experience with a disc bine. It is equipped with a drawbar hitch, steel rollers, and has the hydraulic suspension.
vermeer mc 3700
Straightening a hay spear
dimanche 24 mai 2020
I have a very old, very used and abused Vermeer 3 pt hydraulic lift that I use to stack the second tier of round bales in the barn. It is old and slow but it works, except one of the spears (2"x48") is bent down about 3 inches. So it does not hold bales as securely as I would like. The spear is welded into the old critter so I can not easily change it. Any ideas how to straighten this? Will heat make it weak and useless?
My barn only holds 24 second tier bales for the horses, so it is not worth buying a FEL.
Straightening a hay spear
auction NH 499, first startup video. Does everything sound okay?
Got this NH 499 at an auction a little while ago. Before running it I checked the fluid level in all 4 boxes and I greased every zerk. Well except for one, looks like I missed one in the manual and I still can't find it. It's listed as "Hex shaft bearing, located under header just forward of lower conditioner roll". I crawled all underneath and still can't find that one. I have all the manuals but haven't made any adjustments yet. Whenever I buy a piece of used equipment I buy the manuals and make sure everything adjustable is within spec. Also not sure if this makes any difference but this is operating lifted in transport mode.
So here's a walk around video. How's everything look and sound? The right side seems a bit loud to me, anything to be concerned about there? I edited in a 2nd video at the end to focus on that side. The tractor is currently running at idle, didn't want to push things yet.
auction NH 499, first startup video. Does everything sound okay?
FYI - Shoup Parts Discount
FYI - Shoup Parts Discount
‘Resting’ a field for a year?
‘Resting’ a field for a year?
John Deere 3830 opinions?
John Deere 3830 opinions?
450 auto wrap issues
450 auto wrap issues
678 tale gate won’t stay locked.
samedi 23 mai 2020
We have a 678 New Holland baler. Last week we used it one day without issue but the next day we had issues with the tail gate staying closed. Changed tractors, no change.
Today I serviced the baler and closed and locked the tail gate. I walked away for 20 minutes with tractor not running and then I noticed the latches had released yet the hoses attached to the tractor were still under pressure.
I've never seen this issue before but my theory is one of the hydraulic lift cylinders has a seal inside that failed. Is my thinking correct or is there another issue causing this?
678 tale gate won’t stay locked.
Hay, Mice and Poison
Question is - how troublesome are mice to your hay, how do you get rid of them or control the numbers?
Short of a cat, what kind of mouse poison do you use?
I’m sure I could bomb my barn with something like Tomcat mouse poison, but...
If a mouse gets nuked via mouse poison, crawls into a square bale and dies, what is the likelihood that a customer’s horse would eat the mouse and if they did, what effect would it have on the horse?
How do you deal with mice in your barn, square bales and customers reaction to it?
Just curious.
Hay, Mice and Poison
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have served and sacrificed their life while serving this great country. I'm grateful to be an American and give thanks for all of the brave soldiers whom sacrificed so much for our freedom. God bless them all and America too.
Memorial Day
500 fire issue
500 fire issue
Harbor Freight Jack Stands Recalled for Risk of Collapsing
The Harbor Freight jack stands that we've all bought, borrowed or seen in our friends' garages are being recalled due to a risk of collapsing under load. Go check yours immediately.
In a recall filed with the NHTSA on March 20 of this year, Harbor Freight explains that certain 6-ton jack stands have the potential to disengage their support pawl under shifting weight, causing the stand to drop suddenly. A second recall, filed May 3, extends the recall to 3-ton jack stands. The defect is attributed to aging tooling at the factory that produced the jack stands.
The recall document says that the problem could affect more than 450,000 6-ton jack stands produced between 2013 and 2019 and nearly 1.3 million 3-ton jack stands produced between 2012 and 2020. These jack stands were sold under the Pittsburg brand name, and can be identified by item numbers 56371 or 61196 on 3-ton models, and 61197 on 6-ton models.
Harbor Freight urges anybody in possession of affected jack stands to return them to the store in exchange for a gift card equal to the price of the stands. Any unsold jack stands covered by the recall have been removed from stores. Check on your buddies and spread the word around—these jack stands are ubiquitous, and a failure like this could be fatal.
Harbor Freight Jack Stands Recalled for Risk of Collapsing
Making use of the radio space for a Kubota X 1100 C
vendredi 22 mai 2020
Making use of the radio space for a Kubota X 1100 C
Making use of the radio space for a Kubota X 1100 C
Making use of the radio space for a Kubota X 1100 C
Looking for chainsaw recommendation
My stepdaughter is looking for a chainsaw and asked me for a recommendation. Typical suburban lot homeowner use. Probably greatest thing they will cut is 6-8" in diameter. I only do Stihl saws so that part is set. However, I have no experience with homeowner saws. I assume that she is looking for a 170 or 180 model with 16" blade and the less aggressive chain. What say ye? Thanks. rick
Looking for chainsaw recommendation
Heston / Agco 1007 mower lubrication
jeudi 21 mai 2020
Heston / Agco 1007 mower lubrication
DIY Squeeze chute dolly
Has anyone made a wheel kit to move there squeeze chute with? We have a tarter and want to make it mobile but they want 1800$ for there wheel kit. Looking for ideas\
DIY Squeeze chute dolly
Moisture Testers
Moisture Testers
AG Wrap ECO 4-5 manual needed
I am in search of a manual for an AG Wrap ECO 4-5 bale wrapper. I have contacted AG Nation and this model was produced before they purchased the company in 2005. There only paper copy of the manual burned in an office fire in 2014. No PDF or digital copy was produced. AG Nation also states that this model was produced by Conor Engineering in Ireland for AG Wrap.
I was given this wrapper for free, but would like a manual to properly service it.
Thanks. William
AG Wrap ECO 4-5 manual needed
Gmail email notifications
mercredi 20 mai 2020
I hope that time has come to an end. I have it working for me and expect it will now work for your gmail accounts.
The first time it was in my SPAM folder so I expect that is where you will find your NTT notifications. Let gmail know it's not SPAM and you will get all notifications in your inbox from here on out (I hope).
Gmail email notifications
Medio Bluestem control in Bermudagrass hay
Need herbicide recommendation for controlling Medio Bluestem in bermudagrass hay field. South Texas.
Medio Bluestem control in Bermudagrass hay
Thinning alfalfa orchard stand
Thinning alfalfa orchard stand
Temporary fencing
Temporary fencing
15A rotary chopper part needed
it is like a cap that slides over the wheel axle to hold it in place. it bolts to the outside and you remove it to let hub and wheel drop out for replacing.
it is heavy cast and a tight fit on the axle to hold it solid.
jd no longer makes it and i can't find any aftermarket.
the wheel assembly is on top of my chopper without the wheel bolted on. the part i need slides over the shiny axle after bolted in.
the auger in the chopper has been removed and may make it confusing to see.

15A rotary chopper part needed
Galfre GS 250 Hay Tedder Wheel
Good Morning,
I am trying to replace the wheels on this hay Tedder. I have new guards washers and nylon lock nuts but when I tighten them down the wheel appears to jam. I do not have a manual and can’t find one online. Is there a torque spec I need to observe, do I have the wrong part or are the bearings packed tight with grease and need to be broken in?
Any help appreciated
Galfre GS 250 Hay Tedder Wheel
Ohio Kubota buyers beware
mardi 19 mai 2020
I was just there last week looking at zero turns - the very ones that are now in the picture under water.
Ohio Kubota buyers beware
Farmall 560 front tire size
Farmall 560 front tire size
I am in Southwest Indiana and we can't get three days of decent weather to make hay. I recently bought a Vermeer wrapper and I was going to try to wrap dry hay.
My question is I have a Hesston 945 baler and I am concerned about trying to use it for haylage. Does anyone have any experience using this baler for baling very wet hay. The baler is the same as MF 2745, AGCO 5545 and a Challenger RB45.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks; Hickory
No-till seeding of millet
I have a Lilliston Bush Hog 9670 no-till small grain seeder available to use. Last autumn my friend and I calibrated it to drop 105# of a triticale/annual ryegrass mix. On review of bags used and the 100 acres covered, we were within 5% of calibration. (suggested rate by seed company of 100#/ac, so we did well).
So, it's time for warm season annuals to be planted and we are planting BMR pearl millet (King Fisher Prime 360) to make for baelage. The seeder has a chart on the inside of the hopper box lid for settings for commonly used crop seeds i.e. beans, wheat, rye, barley, millet, sorghum, etc. Yesterday I was about to calibrate it (but rain was threatening), so I asked my friend who was with me (and owns the seeder) "why can't we just go off the chart that is printed since its a single grain?" (not a mix like last autumn). He said he would go off the chart if he were planting the millet. So we put it at setting B1 as shown on the grid chart (with a 30-30 wheel drive) to yield 28#/ac for millet under the "fine" type seed listings. Millet was also listed under the grid for intermediate, but this seed looked "fine". So for 15 acres at 30#/ac (450# total needed) I put in 9 x 50 # bags (450#), plus 1 bag extra for good measure. I went out and got 5 acres finished until it was too dark for me to see with the tractor headlights (a small older New Holland tractor). I brought the tractor back into the barn before a few days of forecasted rain. I looked in the hopper and it empty - completely empty!! It should have had 10 acres worth of seed still in it (300#).
Any ideas what I did wrong (besides not manually calibrate it)? I went straight off the chart, had my friend whose seeder it is and grew up on a farm thinking all systems were go, filled it with 500# millet seed and started. Now I have to figure out where the seed ran out and also probably see a jungle of millet where it was planted at 100#/acre!
I'm kind of new still to doing planting so I could have missed something obvious.
Thanks ahead...
No-till seeding of millet
Hot JD 535 rd baler twine pump??
A local farmer replaced the twine arm operating pump on his 535 & now the pump gets hot in a very short period of time. Another strange thing is the belt broke but pump still turns. Farmer stated he had installed belts from JD & auto parts store with same results. I've never experienced this & was wondering if anyone else has experienced???
Hot JD 535 rd baler twine pump??
MF 1840 and Picking up Bales
lundi 18 mai 2020
MF 1840 and Picking up Bales
Billhook on a Case 8530 Inline small square baler
I ran into some tying issues with my first cutting of hay. The roller cam on the back of the billhook has gone missing. I figured the shaft had broken off. On inspection today, the shaft there is fine, there is a groove for I assume a retaining ring, and the end of the shaft is domed and smooth. Looking at Messick's, and the AGCO parts diagrams, they only list the entire billhook assembly. Does anybody (Maxzillian) know if this roller/retaining ring is available separately? Or the needle/roller/ring assembly?
Billhook on a Case 8530 Inline small square baler
Difference in Balers
dimanche 17 mai 2020
I have questions about some balers and thought I would ask the experts. I know these are not new, but I don't need new. I only bale a couple hundred/year. I have been looking at a Vermeer 505I. Looks great. What is problems and good things. Also, what are the difference between a New Holland BR780 and a New Holland BR770A ? What is older and problems and good things. Dealer support is not great for either brand. All three are twine only but I really don't want net. Thanks for your comments.
Difference in Balers
24T with 30 ejector not throwing well
24T with 30 ejector not throwing well
Researching new round balers for purchase
Our New Holland 678 balers are 20 years old and roll a nice bale but we seem to be fortunate to keep one rolling at any given time. Sooner or later both will go down simultaneously. With that said I’ve finally decided we are going to have to add a different/newer baler. I prefer a used baler with costs involved but might go ahead and purchase a new baler. I’m sure dealer quality is to be considered but what I’m looking for is the reliability standpoint. Are most balers built within the last 5 years very similar in reliability or are there some that definitely stand above the others? 5x5 or 5x6 is our size preference.
Researching new round balers for purchase
New RTV 1140 owner.
samedi 16 mai 2020
Upon receiving the unit (1100 hrs and black oil). I did a full 1000 hour service. I’ve ordered several new parts for things that I couldn’t get up to par ( Some pretty bad off skid panels and a seized diff lock hold cable(had a little bit of rust that I am going to work on, my current want is possibly a coast valve and a turbo from what reading I’ve done. Overall I’m happy with the unit, it’s in pretty good shape and after a thorough cleaning and fluid changes the engine sound right and the transmission sounds good. Looking forward to giving it a new life on a small farm with some good ol tlc.
Look forward to interacting with all of you.
New RTV 1140 owner.
New Holland 1114 Speedrower skid shoes
New Holland 1114 Speedrower skid shoes
New RTV 1140 owner.
Upon receiving the unit (1100 hrs and black oil). I did a full 1000 hour service. I’ve ordered several new parts for things that I couldn’t get up to par ( Some pretty bad off skid panels and a seized diff lock hold cable(had a little bit of rust that I am going to work on, my current want is possibly a coast valve and a turbo from what reading I’ve done. Overall I’m happy with the unit, it’s in pretty good shape and after a thorough cleaning and fluid changes the engine sound right and the transmission sounds good. Looking forward to giving it a new life on a small farm with some good ol tlc.
Look forward to interacting with all of you.
New RTV 1140 owner.
New to the forum
New to the forum
changing the first hub on a NH 7230 discbine
I am getting the 7230 discbine ready for the season and I am trying to figure out how to remove the blade hub from the first cutter bar section, the one that connects to the drive shaft. I changed the blades without removing the hub but was wondering how to do if it ever becomes necessary do it. I suppose I would go to my old standby and just take it to the dealer let them fix it. Thanks in advance
changing the first hub on a NH 7230 discbine
New Holland 688 Baler
vendredi 15 mai 2020
I have a new-to-me 2002 NH 688 baler and I am having trouble getting the pickup head down. It has a hydraulic head on it, and a hand crank but I cannot get the head down using either. I cannot get the crank to turn and the hydraulics don’t lower it either. Is there some sort of lock on the header that I am missing?
I am also wondering how to thread Pritchett net wrap. There are diagrams for white net wrap and black net wrap but I do not know which one is more like the Pritchett wrap.
Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
New Holland 688 Baler
Side View Mirrors
I wanted them to be the kind that will yield to trees and bush - they call them breakaway I guess.
Anyway, found a cheap pair on Amazon and was all set to execute when I read where Seizmik mirrors lifetime warranty cover just about anything - including operator stupidity. Turns out its a real good sturdy mirror with a beefy allen head bolt holding everything together. They are about 40% larger than the Amazon ones.
The mountings absorb a lot of shock and they don't tear up your ROPS.
I mounted them high so I didn't smack them getting in and out. See pics.
Anyway, thought I'd pass this along. Always looking for ways to save the body a little wear. I use the 1120 for mowing and its like pulling a trailer through the woods and field. These have already helped.
Side View Mirrors
Obsolete CNH Parts Sources
I know there are several companies in the US that buy inventory from OEMs (CNH, Kubota, Deere etc) then sell the parts to the public and dealers that are looking for the parts. Parts Depot in Wisconsin is one of the companies. Does anyone know the names of the other companies? I think there are 2 or 3 that CNH deals with.
Obsolete CNH Parts Sources
Morra mh530 tedder
Morra mh530 tedder
IH bale thrower question
Hello, I have a 4550 hesston inline baler. My sons are growing up and starting to move away so I'm slowly losing my help. I have wanted to try a thrower rack but out here in south-eastern Iowa, there are not a lot of them around. I found a IH 8511 thrower for what looks like a good deal about 2.5 hours away. I am not sure if it will fit on the hesston. Does anyone know if it will?
IH bale thrower question
HP required for 605sm
I am getting a new to me 2011 Vermeer 605 Super M baler and I am wondering which tractor is right sized for it. I have an IH 1586, 986 and a Case 1070. In the past I used the 1070 for baling but that was with a JD 535. I understand the 605 sm is a lot heavier so I am concerned if the 1070 can handle it on hills. The 1586 seems like overkill so I thought I would ask those who have run a vermeer.
HP required for 605sm
The whatchamacallit on my dohicky is frozen ...
Looking for ideas on how to make this work ...or advise to replace the thing.
The whatchamacallit on my dohicky is frozen ...
John Deere MOCO 530 problem
mercredi 13 mai 2020
I have a John Deere 530 MOCO with around 1000 acres of mowing on it. In very good shape with little use. Last season it seemed to work fine but now it seems to be loud and has a lot of vibration. I see nothing wrong and the rollers are in good shape with no chunks out of them. When mowing hay it seems to want to bog down and then throw a lot of hay through the rollers at once. The rollers will then make a popping noise after the hay gets through. I have loosened the roller springs but it doesn't seem to help. John Deere dealer wasn't any help and didn't find anything wrong.
Let me know if you have any thoughts!
John Deere MOCO 530 problem
Tedding First Cut Hay Question
Last year on one field I had luck making 3 day first cut hay, but I don’t recall how many times we tedded the hay - LOL. I’m thinking once, on day 2 and that was it. I do recall the moisture reading was pretty constant on our square baler at 15%. Beautiful hay. Grass hay and the mower conditioner was our Krone with impellers - same machine this year.
Next week, I’d like to cut several fields a day apart each and bale the third day for each to divide and conquer...
Question - Anyone successfully ted their hay on first cut only once?
You folks with the rotary rakes, does the fluffing of the formed windrow on the day of baling negate the need for additional tedding vs a rollabar rake?
Just curious.
Tedding First Cut Hay Question
Square bales on shares
I was contacted by a guy to see about putting up his alfalfa and clover fields into square bales. I have never done any baling outside of my own. This is the first year crop for both. What type of share should be done? There are 6 total fields, all small food plots that total about 6 acres. He said he would take care of maintaining the fields with fertilizer, bugs, etc. I am thinking 3:1 and offered 2:1 but he is 50/50. His reasoning is the alfalfa is better quality and produces more money but I counter with having to move equipment around 3 or 4 times a year and find manpower to move the hay. Thanks!
Square bales on shares
Is BMR Sudex worth it for Baleage??
mardi 12 mai 2020
Last year I planted some BMR sudex and some 'old run of the mill' sugar #### sudex........the BMR MAY have out produced the R-O T-M variety (in what turned out to be a very dry Fall) but was a LOT more expensive. What is the general consensus?? (P.S. I'm not sure the cattle could tell the difference--they loved it all).
Is BMR Sudex worth it for Baleage??
If we don't STOP the use of the word 'MEAT' being used in the marketing of highly processed vegetable matter, then we are more foolish than I suspect. MEAT is by definition, animal flesh.....anything processed to RESEMBLE meat, with the addition of chemicals, flavoring, etc., may somewhat IMITATE meat, but it is NOT meat!!!! Let us stand together to stop this travesty, otherwise we sadly, will deserve our fate..........................
Irrigation Worth It on Small Operation?
Hello There. I am in the process of starting some coastal fields around my house in South Texas. I have around 15 acres to sprig if it will ever rain down here. I have been pondering on getting an irrigation system setup to water my field. This would be a start up operation ground up. A new water well is around $8500 and I figure a decent hose reel setup to be around $12,000. Getting power to the new well would be around $2500 I am figuring. My question is can I justify these cost and make it back on coastal horse hay square bales. I am confident I can sell the square bales to horse people in the area for a decent price. Is it worth the investment for a small operation. Thanks
Irrigation Worth It on Small Operation?
Kubota RTV1100 heater dials
Kubota RTV1100 heater dials
Storing Hay on SAND?
I store my hay on gravel under hay barn, at times on end, at times on the side, but always seem to have some moisture 2wick up into bale, and have gravel stuck to the bale. Scraping it off before feeding is a pain..... Someone suggested putting a layer of sand down, which, if a little got in my pastures would not be a big deal (unlike the gravel). Has anyone ever done this, and any ideas to eliminate moisture wicking?
Storing Hay on SAND?
JD 530 Bale shape sensor
Does anyone know where to buy a bale shape sensor in aftermarket form? 160 bucks plus shipping seems a little pricey to me.
JD 530 Bale shape sensor
Nitrogen Cost
lundi 11 mai 2020
Nitrogen Cost
Sounds like
dimanche 10 mai 2020
Granted they All have given another Illusion of the afore.
So, its the same story IF workers decide to or Not work.
Meat working is a death trap for the big 6 packing corps... 27 sick plants.
Anything to save $1 seems to be large usa packing corporations.
Sounds like
Pound of Gain?
I have sold my last 2 groups of calves to different stocker operations. Sold by the lb. The first guy is relatively new, no pressure type young man, easy to deal with. Knows cattle.
The second guy is just starting out, know almost nothing. Bought some reclaimed land, fenced, cross fenced, built a nice barn and wants to raise stockers. I gave him a price and he accepted. I have known him for years and was fair.
I delivered the calves and saw some 6 wt. steers. He said he was growing them on contract, had 65 of them. He volunteered that he was getting 65 cents per pound of gain. Knock me over with a feather. I knew some were getting .50 - .55 cents. I told him not to buy another calf, raise them for others.
Is 65 cents the going rate now? I am in the wrong end of the cattle business.
Pound of Gain?
Diesel gas cans
Diesel gas cans
Oats for grain
samedi 9 mai 2020
Need to spray my oats for pennycress. Have any of you ever sprayed oats with Aim by FMC? It would be easy to spray with 2-4d, but oats do not like it. Any suggestions or advice would help greatly. I am not stuck on Aim if there is something else.
Thanks Sprout
Oats for grain
Oil Extractor
Oil Extractor
Replacement seat belts for RTV900?
vendredi 8 mai 2020
So I would need a retractable end and then the belt receptacle at the other end.
I would think that this could just be a generic seat belt, not Kubota-specific (with Kubota-type prices).
Replacement seat belts for RTV900?
Hard freeze coming.
Hard freeze coming.
Spring Fling Now
June thru fall say $165cwt to $175cwt Cash live fats.
Pent up Global Demand.
Roll Yourself a corte, watch the smoke rings disappear.
I'm assuming the USA big packers run more Space and cleaner ships now.
Spring Fling Now
John deere 920 adjustment
John deere 920 adjustment
Saddle Cattle Forum
jeudi 7 mai 2020
I know that there USED to be a forum dedicated to riding cattle. I haven't gone there for awhile. I lost the address and don't remember the name.
My best google-fu is not getting me anywhere.
Does anyone know the address of this forum?
Thank you.
Saxon Violence
Saddle Cattle Forum
Vermeer Tedder Tine Setup Question
Do you run your tines on the ground per the manual, if not, how high off the ground?
The hooked tines - are these things better than straight tedder tines or just a marketing gimmick?
Vermeer Tedder Tine Setup Question
Vermeer 604M baler problems
Vermeer 604M baler problems
Cultipacker Alternative?
First post, woohoo!
My family recently purchased our first patch of land and our initial project has been cleaning up an overgrown 4-acre pasture. The pasture was overgrown for 3-4 years with sweetgum trees, yuck! Anyways, after running a healthy rotation of ripper, rake and disc harrow for the last two weeks, we're getting close to seeding a warm weather cover crop.
So here's the question - I can not find a cultipacker that I can borrow/rent to help compact the soil after broadcasting our seed mix. Does anyone have a suggestion on what I may be able to use to help bed the seed? Would running a harrow with the discs pointed straight ahead work?
Thanks for any suggestion!
Cultipacker Alternative?
New Holland Hydraulic Bale Tensioner
mercredi 6 mai 2020
New Holland Hydraulic Bale Tensioner
$115cwt fats
Tama IA today $110cwt no implants.
$115cwt fats
2014 x900 transmission issues
2014 x900 transmission issues
Swath wheel on Kuhn 700 discmowe
Swath wheel on Kuhn 700 discmowe
br7060 roll scraper removal
the roll scraper bearing has gone out on my 7060. it appears that you have to remove the entire mechanism to replace it. where do i start. any help will be much appreciated.
br7060 roll scraper removal
NH BR7070 Operator panel stays dark
mardi 5 mai 2020
Hooked my BR7070 baler to use first time this year (foolishly with hay in windrows and rain coming) and when pushing On/Off button hear a click but screen stays blank. Have read prior threads and checked tractor power, did several of continuity checks (didn't have long enough jumper wire to check them all) but believe the problem may be at the first step 'check the relay inside the Operator's panel'.....I assume the screws come of the face and relay inside, but I am NOT CLEAR ON HOW TO TEST RELAY ITSELF or numbering of 'pins' ???? Any help appreciated (though rain did come.....)
NH BR7070 Operator panel stays dark
Hydraulic Fluid Swap.
Short story, last year pto went out in the baler tractor (Ford 8240) so I hooked the baler to old reliable (JD 4010). Now that the Ford is fixed how can I get the 303 fluid out of the baler system so it won't get into the Ford 134A system. I have an idea but want to double check.
Hydraulic Fluid Swap.
Frost Advice
lundi 4 mai 2020
Frost Advice
Hydraulic Cylinder Repair
Going to do my first hyd. cyl. repair on a JD 459 for the gate. Any tips or tricks I should be aware of? Will be taking lots of pictures to make sure everything goes back the way it should.
Hydraulic Cylinder Repair
What is this grass?
What is this grass?
Need to replace Kuhn 3560 MoCo Conditioner Rollers
After 3 seasons, my steel rollers are cracked lengthwise. I need advice about how to get them off so I can send out to have them rebuilt. How do I remove the rollers? I started tearing things down, but I'm stumped.
Need to replace Kuhn 3560 MoCo Conditioner Rollers
Need good small wheel rake
Recommendations please- I have a 8 wheel carted V rake with kicker wheel. It is an older sitrex rake and I really like the fact I can make a 20 ft pass. Makes for fast raking compared to my 10 foot rotary rake. BUT, in heavier hay (meaning definitely 1st cut and sometimes second cut) it plugs rather easily and balls up the hay. Im pretty sure there are "newer" wheel rakes that are supposedly 'hi-capacity' and are designed to not have this problem of plugging up. I am extremely budget conscious and can probably get $2500 from my current wheel rake and would prefer to come up with no more than $2000 to get another rake (translation- can I find a good rake for $4500 or less?). The wheel rake works good for me. I dont have rocks and other trash in my fields. I do both squares and rounds so the rake must be able to make a 3ft or so windrow for the square baler. My round baler is a 4 footer with gathering wheels. I am looking for a rake that covers some ground (20 or 22 feet max) like my current 8 wheeler and is not expensive like a dual spinner rotary rake would be. I have seen on the internet the Kuhn speed rakes but dont know any one that has one to see if its what I am looking for. They seem to be a little differently designed and look like they have a better flow of hay thru them.
Need good small wheel rake
NH275 main drive shaft bearings
Haven’t had a good look but was reading a post from back in 2014 which a guy was having similar troubles. His were in the pickup reel bearings (part no 45882). I had the task of doing those last year, but there is still a squeal somewhere. Thought I had it by replacing those pickup bearings. Cam follower bearing are in good condition. Only ones I haven’t done now are the main drive shaft bearings (part no 574844). Clutch still slips sometimes leading me to think one of those are shot. Will have a better look when I’m home in a couple days but if they are hard to get to, maybe I’ll need some specialised gear I don’t keep at home. Cheers all.
NH275 main drive shaft bearings
Front end loader question for 399
dimanche 3 mai 2020
Front end loader question for 399
Heifer found herself in some deep trouble.
This little heifer found herself in some deep trouble. She found a sinkhole that was about three feet deep. Dad knew that hole was there and was going to dump some rocks in there, and just happened to look down there beforehand. After getting out it did not take long before she went up on the hill to find her mother.
Heifer found herself in some deep trouble.
Vermeer 406N Baler
I have a Vermeer 406N Baler. It will pick up hay then the round roller at the bottom that picks up hay and the belts will stop rolling. It is all clean hay. There are no sticks jamming the machine. I previously picked up 17 bales in the afternoon and it stopped working. It will start off to pick up the hay then stop rolling. There is a control panel inside the right side of the baler with various lights. One is red and the bottom light is blinking. Looking for help, I still have hay on the ground. Thank you!
Vermeer 406N Baler
high moisture sensors for round balers
took ownership of our new Vermeer round baler this week 604 pro G3. Was under the assumption that it was coming with a moisture sensor with reading between 6-70%. It is a pro baler and will be doing wet hay as well as dry. I was told on delivery that Vermeer was not happy with the consistency with the readings at higher levels of moisture so they left it off the machines until they could get one developed for high moisture hay. Does anyone have experience using moisture sensors for high moisture high. Is Vermeer full of crap? Are there aftermarket senors I could use?
high moisture sensors for round balers
New Holland MOCO gearbox repair
samedi 2 mai 2020
I have heard of the gearbox breaking on some MOCOs and I found a guy who can repair them. I thought I would share this information with the community with hopes someone might find it useful.
New Holland MOCO gearbox repair
new Holland 555e with moisture in hydraulic fluid
new Holland 555e with moisture in hydraulic fluid
NH BR740 baler HT152 Rake 616 Disc Mower- Auction cancelled due to COVID19
I have 1 owner, barn kept, excellent condition, hay equipment for sale. I moved to grain farming several years ago.I planned to sell at auction but auctions have been cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic. Does anyone have any experience with online auctions? If not, which online marketplace would you suggest for selling hay equipment? I have never sold any equipment online and posting is not cheap so I would like to hear from anyone who has actually sold equipment online.
NH BR740 baler HT152 Rake 616 Disc Mower- Auction cancelled due to COVID19
How do you slip a brush hog clutch with the cover in place?
vendredi 1 mai 2020
How do you slip a brush hog clutch with the cover in place?
Need a Gun Rack X1100C
Need a Gun Rack X1100C