Horse Quality Hay - Calling Card

jeudi 10 décembre 2015

In my neck of the mountains, it's hard to get the horse folks (or anyone else for that matter) to drive an hour or so to buy my hay - as there is ALWAYS for sale "orchard grass" hay for sale somewhere in between where they live and where I sell.


I find that "orchard grass" around here can mean anything from mixed grass, weeds to absolutely beautiful second cutting orchard grass.  IMHO - the buyer is lucky if they know what they are getting and especially lucky if they get horse quality hay.  It's more about the price 1st, green color 2nd and we can soak our hay if has a "little" dust and is brown, but not outright molded 3rd.


Bottom line is - if you live where I do and you're selling "orchard grass" hay, you've got some steep competition and a decent price is difficult to sustain - and yet lure the customer a distance to quality hay.


This is why we went with Timothy when we reworked out fields this fall.  I feel confident we can sell Timothy hay and glean a good price.


IMHO - "calling card" type horse hay is Timothy, Alfalfa and Teff.


We know about Alfalfa and Teff - and will probably plant Teff this spring in our new fields to tie us over until next fall when we can put in a variety that is not an annual like Teff.


Question is - what is in your opinion/experience a good mid-Alantic "calling card" hay type that one might consider other than Alfalfa, Timothy and Teff?


Any sage advice is much appreciated.




Horse Quality Hay - Calling Card

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